Christian McCaffrey donates video games to children's hospitals

2022-07-09 13:55:22 By : Ms. Amanda Lo

Christian McCaffrey once received a 99 Madden rating, but he gets a 100 in the hearts of many with his recent philanthropic endeavor. He donated video games to children's hospitals in honor of a young fan.

The Carolina Panthers running back started The Logan Project, named after Logan Hale, a young fan who died of cancer last year. Hale wanted to donate video games to other sick children after he passed away.

"He had a heart made of gold that was bigger than the universe itself," Kristina Bylko Hale, Logan's mother, said in a promotional video.

McCaffrey first heard about Hale through his agent who noticed the boy was a big fan. Hale also played football and had big dreams of making the NFL one day.

He passed away at the age of 13 before McCaffrey was able to connect in person.

"My agent called and said, 'He had been buried in your jersey,'" the Pro Bowler said. "It hit me like a ton of bricks that a kid was that much of a fan."

The Logan Project is partnering with Gamers Outreach to raise $35,000 to equip Charlotte's Levine Children's Hospital with nine gaming systems. The plan is to expand to hospitals across the country.

A big reason Hale wanted to give back through video games is because they helped him through the hardships of being in the hospital.

"Spending so much time at the hospital bed-ridden was really hard for him, but it was harder, I think the isolation that you get by being in a hospital bed," his mother said. "So we brought a video game station for him to use. That completely changed his world. He was able to talk to all his friends through video games."

McCaffrey was struck by Hale's strength and humbled to help make his dreams come true.

"Here was a kid who didn't put limitations on himself and even though was going through one of the most difficult things a human being let alone a kid could go through, maintained a positive attitude," he said. "He still saw a need in the world to make a difference in other kids lives and it's amazing how a kid that young could leave such an imprint on the world.

"I can guarantee you that I'm a much bigger fan of his than he was of me. So I'm very thankful for this opportunity to continue to live out his legacy."